The Perfect Shed gouache
The Heart Center of Life Summer Art Exhibition
by the New York Society of Women Artists
July 20 – September 18, 2015
Weill Cornell Medical Library
1300 York Avenue, NYC
Click on slide show to expand.
Wendy F. Brest
(203) 322-0104
Many of my collages and drawings are inspired by the open architecture of my house. Unobstructed views of the outdoors allow me to focus on the adjoining deck, where a large white circular table perches. It’s a stand-in for my family. I have drawn it, painted it, abstracted from it and referenced it in many works: it is my talisman.
As a daily walker, I stare at the ground hoping for castoffs, which I collect. Nothing is categorically dismissed. Leaves are a particular favorite in the fall. I draw their portraits on translucent paper and juxtapose a world of shapes beneath. The incongruity of materials adds a critical dimension. I also love working with the grid and with text. It’s the complexity I’m seeking. I want the viewer to move close to the work to see what’s hiding in plain sight.
B.A. Brown University, Classics; Art Education: Silvermine with Anne Chernow, Lucy Sallick, Eve Ingalls; SUNY Purchase; Robert Reed One-on-One Seminar; Michael Torlen and Stuart Diamond critique groups
New Haven Paint and Clay, 2005; Silvermine's Art of the Northeast, 1998; Greenwich Art Society, 1998, 1999 and 2002; 39th Annual Exhibition Discovery Museum, 1997; Stamford Art Association, 1997
Collage 14.5x17.5 in.
Collage 17.5x14.5 in.
Collage 17.5x14.5 in.
Collage 17.5x14.5 in.
Collage 17.5x14.5 in.
Collage 14.5x17.5 in.
Click on any picture to expand.