The Perfect Shed gouache
The Heart Center of Life Summer Art Exhibition
by the New York Society of Women Artists
July 20 – September 18, 2015
Weill Cornell Medical Library
1300 York Avenue, NYC
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Benice Horowitz
Benice was born and raised in Johannesburg, South Africa and emigrated to the United States in 1979. She has exhibited widely in New York and the Northeast. She holds 70 Awards for acrylic painting and has received a Certificate of Appreciation by the Mayor of Stamford, Ct. for contribution to the City of Stamford. She was also chosen by the Bruce Museum Centennial as one of four artists to represent the last decade of painting.
She studied painting at the Bill Ansley Studio School in Johannesburg South Africa and at Silvermine School of art as well as privately with well known Artists while living in Johannesburg.
Her most notable Awards are The Medal of Honor and Dorothy Tabak Memorial Award and the D.WU & Elsie Ject-Key Memorial Awards from the National Association of Women Artists in 2003; the Fred Kraus Memorial Award at the Faber Birren Exhibition 1994, the Pierce Archer Prize 1991 New Canaan Art Society.
She is a member of Silvermine Guild, NAWA, and Advisory Board NYSWA.
Artist Statement
When I paint, I try to get in touch with my inner emotions with the use of color and color values. The painting is resolved when it reflects my feelings successfully. I use the scene before me or one from memory as a vehicle for inspiration . The high key color values reflect the exuberance and joy and the deeper earthy tones portray more somber emotions.
A sense of fulfillment is achieved from the process itself. The challenge is to use the gestural brushstrokes, the calligraphic marks and the color to achieve a coherent statement in keeping with the mood of the moment.
Acrylic 22x30 in. 2012
Acrylic 26x40 in. 2012
Acrylic 40x26 in. 2013
Acrylic 40x26 in. 2013
Acrylic 40x26 in. 2013
Acrylic 26x40 in. 2012
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