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Stephanie Rauschenbush


Stephanie Rauschenbusch began watercolor and oil painting before high school at National Cathedral School in Washington,D.C., continued at Harvard and Columbia Universities (BA in Russian History and Literature, MA in English and Comparative Literature), and studied at the New Brooklyn School/ New York Academy in the 1980’s.She has had studios in the Village, Soho, DUMBO, the Brooklyn Navy Yard, Park Slope, Prospect Heights, and Windsor Terrace.  
She has exhibited at Noho Gallery, Katharina Rich-Perlow, Prince Street Gallery, Bitter-Larkin Gallery, DFN Gallery, the Florence Biennale d’Arte Contemporanea , the Hammond Museum and elsewhere. Her work is in the Sylvia Sleigh Collection at Rowan University, Glassboro, New Jersey, at Raymond-James Financial in St. Petersburg, Florida, and in many private collections. She is a past President of the New York Society of Women Artists, a member of the Brooklyn Watercolor Society, and the director of Prince Street Gallery in Chelsea.
She is a docent of the Brooklyn Museum. Her work appears in Cynthia Dantzic’s book, One Hundred New York Painters.

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